Curso Gratuito de Idioma para procesos de DS y NC: INGLES B1

Impulsa tu Carrera con Habilidades de Idioma para procesos de DS y NC: INGLES B1

¿Quieres destacarte en cualquier sector profesional y ampliar tus oportunidades laborales? El curso gratuito online de Idioma para procesos de DS y NC INGLES B1 es tu mejor opción. Este programa te brinda la posibilidad de mejorar tus habilidades lingüísticas en inglés, nivel B1, de manera flexible y gratuita.

Al inscribirte, tendrás acceso a contenidos especializados que te ayudarán a desenvolverte con éxito en un entorno laboral internacional. Este curso de inglés profesional online te permitirá adquirir las competencias necesarias para comunicarte de forma efectiva en contextos laborales específicos, potenciando así tu perfil profesional y abriendo nuevas puertas en tu carrera.

Aprender inglés en línea es una inversión en tu futuro laboral. Adquirir el nivel B1 en inglés te proporcionará las herramientas necesarias para interactuar con confianza en reuniones, presentaciones y negociaciones, demostrando tu dominio del idioma y tu capacidad de adaptación en entornos multiculturales.

No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de obtener una certificación de inglés gratis y diferenciarte en el mercado laboral. ¡Inscríbete ahora y potencia tu perfil profesional con el curso gratuito online de Idioma para procesos de DS y NC INGLES B1!

¡Mejora tus habilidades lingüísticas, destácate en tu sector y haz realidad tus metas laborales con este curso de inglés profesional online!

Lo que Aprenderás


– Ser capaz de expresarse con relativa facilidad tanto en situaciones cotidianas como en situaciones menos cotidianas y que requieren de una mayor complejidad en la estructuración de mensajes.
– Realizar actividades prácticas expresión e interacción oral.
– Expresar con fluidez una descripción sencilla de una variedad de temas que sean de su interés, presentándolos como una secuencia lineal de elementos.


Parte 1

Módulo 1
– Rock band.
– We´re going to play at the festival.
– “Dark Night”.
– How long does it take?
– Travel Blog- Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercices.
Módulo 2
– Camping in the countryside.
– Cut that wire.
– Camping rules.
– Free time- Masterclass.
– Life outside- Aditional vocabulary.
– Welcome to the Happry Hostel – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 3
– You´re not on the list.
– Why don´t you come in?
– I think they like us.
– What should you do if…? – Masterclass.
– The mysterious man – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 4
– Let me buy you a drink.
– Shouldn´t I?
– I fell ill.
– Your ideal job- Masterclass.
– Radio food programme – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 5
– I´m planning to go to Los Angeles.
– What has happened here?
– Your plans in life.
– Road signs – Masterclass.
– Let´s get a takeaway – Additional vocabulary.
– Shopping for gifts – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 6
– Falling in love.
– The bill is wrong.
– African – American writers.
– Advice column – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 7
– Saying goodbye to the band.
– I´ll keep in touch.
– I´ll call you.
– What will happen? – Masterclass.
– Virtual world – Additional vocabulary.
– Commuting and public transport – Reading.
– Commuting and public transport – Dictation.
– Technology and friendship – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 8
– Getting married.
– Who shall we invite?
– Go ahead.
– Superstitions – Masterclass.
– The official witness – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 9
– What a marvellous surprise!
– What if…?
– You hardly know him.
– The woman who… – Masterclass.
– Agatha Christie – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 10
– I can offer you a job.
– I owe you one.
– I made biscuits.
– Making calls – Masterclass.
– Job training – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 11
– A new barman.
– Take it easy.
– You´ll play on this stage, will you?
– Friendship – Masterclass.
– Being an artista – Additional vocabulary.
– Tropical wedding – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 12
– Dreaming of becoming famous.
– Weddings.
– I can´t get home.
– At the hotel – Typical situation.
– At the clinic – Typical situation.
– The taste of love- Dialogue.
– Sports, customs and etiquette – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.

Parte 2

Módulo 1
– Doing market research.
– At the sports centre.
– The bus route.
– Work and leisure – Masterclass.
– The music gym – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 2
– Remembering old times.
– Future parents in – law.
– Country house for sale.
– Sports – Masterclass.
– Time to exercise – Additional vocabulary.
– The fitness instructor – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 3
– Making plans for holidays.
– A ticket to Edinburgh.
– The list of things to do.
– The cruise – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 4
– A fortnight in Austria.
– It´s a beatiful day.
– Plans for the new year.
– This time yesterday – Masterclass.
– Planning the competition – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 5
– Housework.
– Before travelling.
– May I go out now?
– Modern life and society – Masterclass.
– Email to an au pair – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 6
– What´s on?
– Village of the future.
– Shall we spend the day in the countryside?
– Housing – Additional vocabulary.
– Health and Sports – Dictation.
– Interview with an inventor – Listening comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 7
– Plans for a year out.
– A long way to equality.
– A radio panel game.
– We have to send the invitations.
– Coming to conclusions – Masterclass.
– Weather conditions – Additional vocabulary.
– The eco-friendly future – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 8
– Looking for a temporary job.
– Spoil yourself!
– If were you…
– Houses – Masterclass.
– Opening a hotel chain – Reading comprehension.
– Job Interview – Listening comprehension.
– Test exercises.
Módulo 9
– Working with animals.
– A solitary child.
– I have not seen him for ages.
– Conditions – Masterclass.
– Building a bear sanctuary – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 10
– It´s a bargain! Making a complaint.
– A very good read.
– An amazing concert.
– Technology – Masterclass.
– The after-sales package – Listening comprensión.
– Test Exercises.
Módulo 11
– Hey, that´s swell!
– He was no stranger to me.
– Have you heard about her son?
– Why don´t you show me around?
– Using your judgement – Masterclass.
– The press – Additional vocabulary.
– When I became a journalist… – Reading comprehension.
– Test Exercises.

Módulo 12
– You are only young once, mum!
– Welcome to university.
– I´m afraid I have to complain.
– Good to be alive – Typical situation.
– We´ve made it to the van – Typical situation.
– People, Passports, planet – Dialogue.
– Barbados – Reading.
– Barbados – Dictation.
– Test Exercises.

Detalles del curso

  • Duración: Este curso es de 180 h, pero puedes completarlo a tu propio ritmo.

  • Precio: Este curso es totalmente gratuito.

  • Certificación: Diploma especialidad del catálogo del Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SEPE) emitido por la entidad impartidora.

¿Qué necesitas para inscribirte en este curso?

Este curso de Idioma para procesos de DS y NC: INGLES B1 esta dirigido a autónomos, economía social y empleados.

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